Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's something to think about.

If we truly are what we eat, then cannibals are the only real people on the planet...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i tried that same pile of reeds from a different angle. I think I like it better in black and white.

I like the lines here, and how the colors kinda match.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I love the vivid colors in this one. I have a soft spot for macro shots.

I was working the drive through one night and a couple came through with a home made super grover on their antenna. I was fanatical about it and I told them i would give them free food if they made me one. they came back within an hour or two so i gave them cinnimon twists for it. the ceramic pieces in the background are things i made.

An old friend of mine was helping me make night photos. You can have a lot of fun with a 30 second exposure and a light-up skipit toy.

I was wandering around the hallways in my school when I noticed a south-facing window that was casting some beautiful diffused light onto a section of the hallway. It was in the morning and the sky was cloudy so the light was gorgeous, the girl is too ;)

I was out taking night photos one day in the gardens up at BYU-I. I arrived there a bit early so the lighting was a bit odd, but i think it works in this case. Its kind of surreal.

I just happened to catch some beautiful lighting while I was camping with my family and relatives. In retrospect, I could have done without the rain that day. The weather really cut my shooting time down. oh well, at least I got one trophy.

Monday, February 23, 2009

........i don't know what to say about this one really.

i really had fun in photoshop when i made this image.

haha my sister has pretty hair and eyes to match her insane personality.

I just happened to catch my momma as she was making a "i bet Dad would like this pose" joke. he did, hes' got a huge print of this picture in his office now:)

Friday, February 20, 2009

I had a thought the other day. When a girl/guy rips your heart out does she eventually give it back or do you grow a new one? I think it's probably better to grow a new one, i say this because with a newly grown heart you don't have to worry about cutting all the attachments you had to the person that hurt you.